Telehealth Etiquette Tips to Deliver Better Care

Telemedicine virtual consultations are more popular now than ever before. However, video-conferencing etiquettes don’t come naturally to all the physicians and Healthcare providers, especially if on isn’t used to it.

How would anyone translate the empathy and trust of a healthcare provider & patient relationship to screens? Are there golden rules that one may follow in order to make the virtual telehealth and mentalhealth visits go smoother?

Here are some etiquette tips for healthcare professionals to help them deliver a better quality of care:

·         Start off with getting quality webcam for your telemedicine setup. Just imagine that you are a patient and you are trying to communicate with a pixelated, blurry physician that stalls every couple second or are simply struggling to properly hear and understand the stuttering and muffled voice – not very effective, right? This is why you need a high-quality webcam for your practice.

·         Setup a professional space meant for virtual visits. It is crucial to have a quiet, well-lit space that’s free of distractions. There shouldn’t be laundry behind you hanging, people walking right through the webcam’s field of vision, or music playing in background, suggests a professional working in the field of telehealth for behavioralhealth. Patients would feel secure and comfortable only when they get a feeling that their privacy is being protected. Additionally, a clean and quiet space would look more professional on the video too. So, make sure you have the space tidied up before you start off with your virtual sessions.
